Most food establishments such as grocery stores and restaurants have goods from week to week that cannot be sold due to damage, excess or imminent best before dates, but may be perfectly still consumable. With the help of our partners we rescue this food weekly that would have otherwise gone to the landfill. All community members are welcome to join us at our Markets and help yourself to a bag of your choice. No identifying information is required.
The Markets are held at The Commons (55 8th Ave. SE) every Tuesday and Thursday 12:00pm-1:30pm except the second Thursday of every month is an evening market and occurs 5:00pm-6:30pm. We recommend the program be accessed up to four times per month.
For more information on this program or how to donate please contact us at or visit us on Facebook at High River Food Rescue
Food Connection Contacts:
Sarah Bruinsma 403-601-0979
Brianne Fredell 403-498-5255